The Amazon Xociety

NOTE: The Amazon Xociety website is updated weekly at the following address until further notice:

Hello and welcome, sisters, to the Amazon Xociety. As Amazons, we are joined in spirit, whether together or apart. We are committed to a positive sisterhood and an Amazon way of life.

The Amazon Xociety is a feminist group where each woman defines her own feminism. We are inter-generational and open to all women expressing a positive mentality. We will strive towards elevating womanhood and maintaining our activism. We are a practical organization serving the needs of our membership while reaching out into the general community of women.

We recognize and nurture those whose lives are in transition and those who may need encouragement and friendship as they create liberating changes for themselves. With the support of the Xociety, each Amazon will work towards becoming the person she has always wanted to be.

As women, we don't always recognize our own power. As a population that constitutes more than half of this country and over half the world, we have a real and dynamic power to wield. We have an enormous opportunity to shape the world as we would have it, to change men's views of women by focusing on the way we raise our sons. There is power in numbers, so let's cultivate our power!!!


The Amazon Xociety is pro-woman, not anti-men. We do not indulge in negative thinking or scapegoating. We encourage proactive thinking to uplift the woman.

The Pillars of the Amazon Temple are:
* Unity * Activism * Strong Body * Strong Mind * Education * Creativity * Spirituality * Prosperity * Fairness * Respect * (for detailed description, see Pillars of Our Temple)


  • To reach our full potential as individuals * Finding meaningful work that you enjoy (reaching vocational goals) * Becoming the best mother or sister you can be
  • To encourage self-development * Becoming the person you've always wanted to be * Developing your creative or intuitive/psychic skills
  • To build self-esteem * Learn to feel good about yourself, get rid of all those insecurities, reaffirm your own strengths, and if you've forgotten what those strengths are, come rediscover them!
  • To fully participate in society, to exert influence
  • To mentor each other * Motivate, encourage, push another sister towards her goals, especially when she's tired, frustrated, or feels likes giving up
  • To flex your own power en masse
  • To improve our economic situation, to increase our earning power
  • To build a sense of community among women * To be in a positive environment with other women of a like mind * To be around women who can converse on a variety of topics and not just limited to the usual fare of sports, sex, and concerts
  • To be a part of an extended family * Ever hear the expression "Friends Are Chosen Family"?

  • Projects

  • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT NIGHTS (weekly) * Providing audio-visual materials, live motivational speakers and workshops
  • FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT NIGHTS (weekly) * Presenting different vehicles of achieving economic independence among Amazon Xociety members * Serving as an ongoing study group of wealth accumulation
  • HIGH SCHOOL MODEL * Starting a feminist club in high schools which would groom future women leaders and provide opportunities for community activism * Includes civil rights education and dispute resolution training
  • MEDIA WATCH * Conducting letter-writing and telephone campaigns as part of our consumer and legislative activism * Acting as a watchdog against derogatory depictions of women in the media
  • LEGAL LITERACY * Setting up free workshops in basic knowledge of the legal system * Supporting the establishment of independent law library
  • Come join us at our next meeting:
    Thursday, April 1, 7:00 p.m.

    First Unitarian Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin (at Southmore), Room 207.
    Contact the Amazon Xociety at: or Bernadine Williams, 713/731-0251

    To subscribe to the following feminist newslists, e-mail with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject area:
  • Feminist Online Network:
  • The Women's Group:
    GREAT LINKS: [Houston Women's Group][Federation of Houston Professional Women][Herspace][Amazon City][WOmen's Resource Directory][Women's Wire][National Organization for Women][Houston Progressive Index]