Are you creative? (Or curious?)
Drop by and check out our grand opening.
Or stop by any time to see our programs and just relax!
February 6, 2002, CCA (2014 Washington) will have its grand opening celebration. There will be live music from S.K.S. who recently performed at the Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal fundraiser, local installment IBM, and jazz by Big Trash Day.
There will be food and drink, and we encourage EVERYONE to bring food and friends to this community event. The event is free to all ages. Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
The Barter Cafe will be open for trading. Our immediate needs include both perishable and non-perishable food items
(beans, rice, canned food, coffee, fruits, vegetables, etc.), services, or anything else that might be of use.
Other items needed are an espresso machine, lamps, a chimineo or wood-burning stove, tables and chairs, computer equipment, sound equipment (PA system, sound-proofing, speakers, etc.),
books of political and social significance, music, office supplies, and a bike rack.
The goal of the Center for Creative Autonomy is to promote self-sufficient, autonomous individuals and communities
through mutual aid education, community building, and sustainable living.
With your help after February 6 CCA will strive to provide:
- Free School – consisting of language classes, skill building and health courses.
- InfoShop – with revolutionary supplies such as books, buttons, patches, t-shirts, etc.
- Art & Music Space – open space for both musicians to play, and artists to showcase their work.
- Barter Café – where no money will be accepted. Anyone wishing to have a cup of coffee, espresso, or maybe even a sandwich must barter.
Canned goods, clothing, or any USEFUL items or services will be traded.
- Lending Library – A library devoted to the struggle and success of this cause.
- Community Gardening – Making ourselves self-sufficient, and reducing or eliminating the need for grocery chains and other corporate entities that drain resources from local communities.
- Community Activities – Sunday potlucks and sports to strengthen ties between people and communities.
Are you creative? (Or curious?)
Drop by and check out our grand opening!
Or stop by any time to see our programs and just relax!
The Center for Creative Autonomy 2014 Washington 713.864.0972