A. Removal or destruction of architecture and artifacts at the Allen Parkway Village site, including human remains, which the residents and their supporters, including scholars in architecture, African-American history, and related disciplines, wish to preserve and to study as part of the history of the area, the city, and the nation;
B. The denial of free and equal access to the APV site in order to conduct and document feasibility studies as required for campus planning, including funding and program development;
C. The removal or destruction of historical landmarks (such as the tarring over of a hand-laid brick road) and irreplaceable antique features of historical houses, including the complete demolition of viable houses, that can no longer be documented as required for historical designation or preserved as desired by Fourth Ward community residents, youth, leaders, and supporters;
D. The lack of elected leadership in the Houston Housing Authority and the Houston Renaissance to ensure the residents, indluding youth, an equal voice in decisions affecting their community. (NOTE: Mediation and consensus-based decision-making through a local steering committee has been recommended as this would solved the problem with underrepresentation or misrepresentation.
Your tax-deductible donation may be made to:
The Fourth Ward Health and Educational
Center for Youth, Inc.*
1415 Taft St., Houston, TX 77019
*A Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization
For more information, contact Darrell J. Patterson
Home: 713-524-2857
Tel/Fax: 713-521-1315