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Favorites: No More Victims * Launch Point Center * Bono of U2 and Charlton Heston address Harvard
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Amazon X Women's GP Hear O'Israel Launch Point
Corpus Justice Pedro Oregon Townhall Gov't policy
Tree of Life Ray Hill/Diana Weeks Free Verse
Parodies! Juliet+Romeo Singles Theatre Redwoods
People Christian Forum k.t.b. Great God Contest f.i.h.

de moc ra cy - (n.) 1. Worst form of government ever invented by man (next to theocracy, hypocrisy, plutocracy, anarchy, monarchy, malarky, oligarchy, kritarchy, aristocracy, apostasy, matriarchy, patriarchy, blasphemy, heresy, chemotherapy) 2. "System of government in which words are more important than actions." - Doubter's Handbook. (See Democracy Denied - Lenwood Johnson.) i soc ra cy (n.) 1. Imaginary system of government in which everyone has equal political power. (See also Loch Ness monster, Santa Claus, free speech, separation of church and state.) 2. Egalitarian governance based on rule by consent and freedom of association, similar to syndicalist-anarchy. (See Isocracy & the First Amendment and Letters from the Editor, posting in progress.)

NOTE: "democracy" is to "brotherhood" as "isocracy" is to "sisterhood" - The Editor

CREDITS: Buttons on this page and other designer sets owned by . Houston Progressive concept by Tom Tolson and logo by Dante. Web editing by Karen Petersen and Emily Nghiem, who appreciates the support from all contributors to this website. Thank you! All material under educational copyright - may be shared freely to promote creative use of media for peace education. (e) Houston Progressive 2000. All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.