Media Release. . . For Immediate Release
Federal Siege on Allen Parkway Village
Houston, TX
Today, June 12, 1996, The U.S. Federal Marshals are scheduled to forcibly seize the homes of the last remaining residents of Allen Parkway Village (APV), violating state policies on eviction and Constitutional rights of these people peaceably to assemble and to petition to stop the demolition of this nationally recognized historical site. The people of APV have fought for 15 years to fulfill a dream of a campus-style federal housing project, with educational and recreational opportunities housed in this wooded, 37 acre development. What they have received for their diligent work, passionate dreams, and honest negotiation with the local Housing Authority is double-speak, lies, and, finally, an unprecedented federal notice to vacate their homes in 48 hours.
Yesterday, the Federal Marshals began the forcible eviction of the most vulnerable residents--the elderly and infirm; today, they have promised to use any means they deem necessary to remove people from their homes. The bedtime discussion of children last night was whether or not the police would really use dogs, guns and handcuffs on persons of any age as the authorities said in television interviews.
Henry Cisneros, HUD secretary, has stated that "housing is not a right, it is a privilege." The people of APV have more than earned the right to fulfill the campus plan they originated, and have taken a stand, not just to preserve and protect their historic homes and community, but to set a standard for self-determination and unity for all poor and oppressed people. We are committed to defending this land, and to fighting for the rights of all people. Please join us in preventing the political invasion of Allen Parkway Village/Freedmen's Town and the destruction of the largest remaining historical district of its kind in America today.